Friday 17 April 2009

50 not out

I can hardly believe it, but this is my fiftieth posting. As any great batsman would do, I raise my bat to the stands, lift my helmet and smile to all four corners of the ground.

In honour of this great event, here are five of the best!

1 Best for travel: given we wander so much, this was a hard category to judge. My early musings on noses were up there with the most surreal, but given our imminent move I think the moment when I was really tearing my hair out pips it to the post. Buying a house is always a Headache - never straightforward, particularly if you don't know the area. Feeling rather worn out with house moves (this is my third in less than two years) I really just want it over and done with. And to never see another packing box again in my life...

2 Best for comments: there were many contenders for this category, not least of which was for YP's witty rhyme in Whatever happened or the many responses to Lessons I should have learnt (but that just shows how foolish I can be). Overall it has to go to Questions you cannot answer ... principally because I discovered there were so many answers! Thank you, everyone, for all your comments: they are what make it all so much fun.

3 Best for Africa: throughout my blog I have tried to reflect some of my musings about Africa, and Zambia in particular (given it is the location of my book). The article about Fashion for Africa sums up many of the quandaries we find ourselves in, as we ('The West') attempt to help the poor and needy, but often find ourselves doing more harm than good.

4 Best for taking a long hard look at myself: here is a snippet of Domestic Bliss - how did I get in that state?!

5 Best for children: for the frustrations and hair-tearing moments, for the love and unbelievable joy they bring, I offer up Why do we do it? [Answers on a postcard, please...]

To all my followers: those who have endured the full fifty-course banquet and those who just pop by for a tea and biscuit occasionally, thank you! Your company is what makes it all worthwhile. I hope you catch a glimpse of the wonderful, wandering, whirlwind life I lead. So stay with me: I'm looking forward to my Century now!


Ladybird World Mother said...

Congratulations on 50th!! Isnt blogging such fun... now need to go back to your post to chase some of those links. Have fun with the next 50!

Catharine Withenay said...

Cheers LWM! You're right - blogging is a lot of fun! Hope you enjoy the links.

Maternal Tales said...

Ooh congratulations. I never thought blogging would be this much fun!!

Unknown said...

Congratulations! Looking forward to the next 50!

Catharine Withenay said...

MT - me neither! (Feel dead old, though, reaching 50!)

Thames - Thank you! It should be a roller-coaster ride!

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